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Three Geeky Dads

What do you get when you put together three dads with a shared passion for comics, movies, and all things Geek?

Three Geeky Dads!

Marc Macrina, Brien Ramsey and Derek Raynard are three friends who’ve grown up GEEK.

Together, they share insights and commentary on pop culture. Whether it’s a roundtable discussion about iconic films, comics and characters, or watching a movie while they “Drink Til It’s Good”, these three share a passion for all the geeky things they grew up on, while imparting their kids with the lessons they’ve learned from the greats, from Spielberg to Stan Lee, Superheroes to Time Lords and everything in between!

Jun 10, 2019

Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering!

And suffer we did! Tonight, we take a look back at the Phantom Menace, the first of the prequel movies and the 4th in Star Wars franchise! And you know what that means?!? It's bad!!!

As we continue with our bad fourth-movie-in-a-franchise series, we, along with friend of the show Josh Hurst, endure Midichlorians, not so great green-screen special effects, questionable racial stereotypical alien species and...of course, Jar Jar Binks!

So buckle up in your pod-racer, grab your favorite Gungan and come along with us, The Three Geeky Dads, as we plod through The Phantom Menace!!!